Monday, May 24, 2010

What does "The Wink" mean after someone tells you something?

I know this seems a bit Silly but I have never understood the wink.

What does "The Wink" mean after someone tells you something?
It implies that something is a joke between the person winking, and the person being winked at. It can also be a hint or signal to the person being winked at.
Reply:Some people wink at me after I look at them for no apparent reason. I never fully understood it. AND I AM NOT referring to people my age. I am talking about people who are not only the opposite sex, but old enough to be my grandmother(no offense to them).
Reply:It means that whoever "the winker" is,is joking with the person being winked.
Reply:depending on the conversation it could mean "sarcasm" or "hint hint"
Reply:sometimes it means they are simply flirting!

Reply:It means "disregard what I said, you and I know the REAL truth".


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