Sunday, May 23, 2010

If a girl winks at me and then says "Hey Handsome" does that mean she's flirting with me?

It depends on what you look like...

If you're a good looking man, then yes.

If you're not good looking, she might just be playing with your mind. Example: Saying that someone's cute to their face and then turning around and making the barf gesture. Sad to say, but that does happen.


If a girl winks at me and then says "Hey Handsome" does that mean she's flirting with me?
SMILES...does she look at u with adoring say her soul yearns for u so damn much,,,, sometimes it takes a lot for a woman to openly flirt and when they do ...yes id take it as a strong sign she is smitten..


unless; however, she is a tease and does that to everybody. :]
Reply:what a dumb girl to flirt with a dumbas like U
Reply:Pretty much!
Reply:At first I would go with a yes but... she could be a tease. Are you friends at all? I would need more background information.
Reply:yes she thinks you are a sexy beast and you need to go for it with her. you bring sexy back.
Reply:Yes genius. Or quite possibly she's mocking you.
Reply:r u that dum

Reply:Yes and that she wants to do you.
Reply:it depends on the gurl.........

does she responds like that to every one or just you????

if its only u....probably

if not..

thats the way she is......
Reply:I would think so, most women don't call men they aren't interested in Handsome.
Reply:Oh Yah!
Reply:No, it means she hates you and you should back off.
Reply:Yes, a little, but not in a bad way!!
Reply:that... or making fun of you... ha-- flirting isn't like a skill you shouldn't have to be told that someone was flirting with you or not--
Reply:no she just a prick teaser
Reply:nah she is trying to get your brother jealous
Reply:no she is planing you death! lol she is so flirting with you, or there is the possiblity that she is a bi*ch and just seeing how youll react.

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